
Sunday 24 June 2018

Lamb Neck Fillet with Asparagus, Watercress, Fennel and Raddish Salad & Mint and Parsley Dressing.

Season the lamb and marinade in a little olive oil and lemon juice for a few hours or over night.
For the dressing and chopped mint, parsley, a good quality vinegar, halve a clove of garlic and oil in a blender and blitz.
Griddle the neck fillet on a high heat caramelizing the out side but leaving the inside blush pink.
While the meat is cooking cut the woody ends of the asparagus and peel off the the outer stringy bottom ends of the stems. Steam for around 8 mins depending on the thickness of the stalks.
Roll in melted butter and a grind of pepper.
While the lamb is resting add the dressing to a small saucepan and put on a gentle heat.
Finely chop the fennel and radishes add to the watercress and dress lightly with oil a bit of lemon juice and a little salt.
Plate up the lamb on the dressed salad drapping the asparagus over the top and drizzile with the parsley and mint dressing.

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