
Saturday, 2 May 2020

Smoked Mackerel Pate with Pickled Cucumber and Ramson Buds.

Mix half water and half white wine vinegar in a sauce pan with a few black peppercorns and a teaspoon of sugar, bring to the boil then leave to infuse and cool.
Chop the cucumber length ways, de-seed and cut into chunks. when the pickling liquid is cool pour over the cucumber pieces.
Repeat the process for the ramson (wild garlic) buds but leave out the sugar.
Heat the oven and place chopped celery leaves in an oven proof dish, turn the heat off and place in the oven to dry the leaves. when dry mix with good quality salt.
Remove the skin from the smoked mackerel and flake into a bowl. Add a dollop of mayonnaise, celery salt, a dash of tabasco, capers, some of the pickled cucumber cut into smaller pieces, lemon juice and zest and chopped chives and dill, then mix together - you can also add some good quality extra virgin olive oil to loosen it slightly.
Place the mix into ramekins and leave for half an hour for the flavours to merge.
Slide the mix out of the ramekins and serve with the pickles and good toasted bread.

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