
Monday, 16 April 2018

Baked Radishes, Wild Herb Salsa Verde and Truffled Brie.

I ordered a similar dish to this recently in my local pub and despite thinking it was a good idea was slightly disappointed as the radishes were cold and soft, so thought i would do my own version.
Cooking the radishes softens them and also takes the heat away so you can use quite fiery ones if you like the heat - i prefer them to be served warm and only par cooked so they still have crunch in the center and a bit of heat left.
Any good cheese will do - it doesn't have to be a soft one, a quality cheddar such as Lincolnshire Poacher would also work.
First make the salsa verde, you can use garden herbs, wild herbs or a mix. I used thyme, mint, parsley and foraged wild garlic, nettle tops and a few hawthorn buds as they were in season. You could also use hedge garlic (garlic mustard), bitter cress, winter cress, watercress, chickweed, wood sorrel, lambs lettuce, sorrel etc.
Roughly chop the herbs and place in a blender with a good dollop of mustard, I used Dijon, but any quality one is fine. Biltz, then add a some cider vinegar and biltz again. Taste and adjust the flavours if you need to.
Next is the radishes. Remove the radish leaves and roots - reserve the leaves. Heat some butter in an oven proof pan. Add the radishes and coat with melted butter. Place in an oven pre heated to 180 degrees for five mins (this differs slightly depending on the size and variety of radishes).
Serve on a slice of good quality toasted bread with  the radish leaves (or a combination of other leaves) dressed with wild garlic oil (see previous recipe) chunks of cheese and a few teaspoons of the salsa verde.

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