The first time I cooked this I used pheasant breast and thyme even though the original recipe was chicken and thyme.
This time I used chicken, but with rosemary - you can use any combination of bird or herb.
First shell and lightly toast your cobnuts (hazel work just as well) in a dry pan. When cooled give a light crush in a mortar and pestle.
Put into a blender with broken up stale bread which is totally dry, finely chopped rosemary and the zest from a lemon.
Blitz then mix in finely grated Parmesan and set aside.
Between two pieces of greaseproof paper use a rolling pin to roll out the chicken breasts to thin escalopes.
Season and squeeze over some lemon juice. Leave to marinade.
Beat an egg in a bowl.
Place some plain flour in another bowl.
On a plate spread out the breadcrumb mixture.
Place the escalope in the flour and cover. Shake off any access flour.
Then transfer to the egg and cover.
Finally dip in the breadcrumbs patting them onto the chicken until it is covered.
Cook on a med heat in a frying pan and remember to reduce the cooking time as the chicken is so thin.
If using pheasant or other game cook in lots of melted butter to stop it drying out.
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