
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Salad Burnet and Burnet Vinegar

Rain at last and god did we need it - not a great deal but enough to give all the plants a drink.
Spaghetti meatballs in tomato sauce tonight (all home made of course), and to go with it a simple green salad made of mixed leaves from the garden - rocket, lettuce (lambs and a few radicchio leaves) also in there will be the tender young leaves from Salad Burnett a native wild flower that I grew from seed. Its a very attractive plant that is just coming into flower now - the flowers are very dense and purple coloured not like conventional blooms at all.
Its leaves can be used in salads and have a slight cucumber flavour to them. They also make a very nice vinegar.

Salad Burnett Vinegar

Crush your Burnett leaves with a mortar & pestle and place in a bowl.
Bring a saucepan of white wine vinegar to the boil and pour over the Burnett leaves.
Allow to cool and pour into a jar or other container.
Keep for a couple of weeks - shaking the jar every day or so.
Strain to remove the leaves and re-bottle.

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