
Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Beetroot Carpaccio with Orange, Roquefort, Hazelnuts and Orange & Chive Dressing.

Peel and finely slice your beetroots.
Place in a container and cover with a mix of orange juice and sherry vinegar.
Leave to marinade for a few hours preferably overnight.
Dry toast a few hazelnuts in a hot pan and crush in a mortar and pestle.
For the dressing reduce down a small amount of orange juice in a pan by a quarter.
When it has cooled add a glug of extra virgin olive oil, finely chopped chives and seasoning, mix together.
Drain the beetroot slices and arrange on a plate with small wedges of sliced orange, cubes of cheese (many good cheeses will work with this dish), a few watercress leaves for garnish, scatter with the chopped nuts, dress with the chive and orange dressing and serve.

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Linguine with Watercress, Rocket & Herb Pesto and Roasted Tomatoes.

A quick and easy simple supper with watercress and rocket that need using up.
Roughly chop a bunch of watercress and rocket and place in a blender with a few crushed cloves of garlic, herbs (I used parsley, thyme and basil), some toasted hazel nuts, a squeeze of lemon juice, a glug of walnut oil and a couple of glugs of olive oil. Blitz until you have a smooth paste - you may need to add a bit more oil.
If you are aiming to freeze any place in a saucepan and warm through - this will stop the growing process of the leaves and is essential, it also gives it a longer shelf life in the fridge too.
When its cooled add gated parmesan or pecorino cheese.
Place a few small tomaotes in a baking dish with a crushed garlic clove oil and seasoning, roast in the oven.
When the linguine is cooked drain and add a good dollop of pesto to it. Stir and coat - serve with the cooked tomatoes on top and freshly grated parmesan.